Tuesday, 26 January 2016

How Do You Even Blog...?

How DO you even blog?
What do I EVEN say?
"Er... Hello, Mister Blog. How're you?"
"Don't talk to me, alright? I'm sick of you! You're always posting!!!! EVERY. SINGLE. BLOODY. DAY! I've enough of your crap, James!"

Well I must say that that escalated quickly...

Hi everyone!! My name is James, if you've not yet noticed. As of right not I'm an eighteen-year-old film student living in Ireland - but this blog won't be about Ireland.
Shall it be about films? I hear you ask, rising from the back of the ground.
And I say "Nay, young nosey grasshopper. This blog shall be a blog about... well, what ever the heck I want really!" The only catch is that I've sworn to post daily - hence the title...
But of course, that's given I've actually something to post about - and that'll mostly be, movie-things, bookish-things and general writing nonsense, and whatever other gobbledegook decides to take up residence in these posts...

That's about it really.
I'm going to try and post every day for no apparent reason and see how it goes. The worst thing that can happen is that my mum, dad or sisters find it. And when that does inevitably happen my friends will have teased me so much about this already that mum, dad, Fiona and Niamh might as well be jabbing me with a marshmallow. But marshmallows do not work on their own kind. (I'm fluffy and made of sugar, you see... Think of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in Ghostbusters)
Except, you know... nothing at all like that...
See that guy in my profile picture?
You'll have to scroll. (Sorry about the inconvenience...)
That's me!
Ain't I perdy?

But at any rate I give you all a hearty welcome.
'Til the morrow, Stranger-reading-random-blog-post...
I bid thee adieu.
Now how do you turn this thing off?
Is there some sort of switch? Or button I push--?
Don't shout at me - I don't see any damned plug!!!!!
Oh, wait... Here it is--

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