Tuesday 26 January 2016

I Quite Like Crappy TV

Okay, so I've a little under 10mins 'til Big Brother starts, and--
Yes, I know it's shitty, but some of us quite like crappy T.V.
The exception of course being anything The Only Way is Essex/Geordie Shore/Jersey Shore related... Nobody can forgive anyone for drinking that stuff in...
But, then again, if that's your thing roll with it. Don't let some stranger on the internet, trying to think of random topics to start off his blog with stop you.
Because that's literally all I'm doing - experimenting with this blog, and putting out gobbledegook!
I like to think its quite crappy gobbledegook, and-- HEY, we've come round full circle!

____ Cue Random Inspirational Quote____

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind..." ~ Dr. Seuss.

Well that set the tone of my blog well, didn't it?

I just rambled on for a bit about crappy TV, and how some crappy TV is crappier than others. And how the crappiest of the crappies must be avoided. Otherwise your head will... um... (CLICHÉ ALERT! CLICHÉ ALERT!!!) turn to mush...

(I guess it's a thing to mention marshmallows in blog posts now. Have I just started a new trend? I doubt it, but dreaming's fun, eh?)

'Til the morrow, Stranger-reading-random-blog-post.
I bid thee adieu...

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